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Tucker博士是俄勒冈大学的心理学教授,也是Geodesic 网状电极帽的发明者,该设备极大地简化和改进了研究人员观察和测量大脑活动的方式。作为一名神经心理学家,为了着重研究焦虑,抑郁以及其他情绪对情绪唤醒的影响,他开创了分析大脑电活动的方法。

1992年,他创立了Electric Geodesics Inc. ,EGI是基于俄勒冈大学的科研型企业,科研实力雄厚,承担了美国政府的多个科研项目,曾登上国家地理杂志封面,是脑电图设备的最大供应商之一。在接下来的几十年中,EGI继续将创新方法带入大脑研究实验室。Tucker博士和其他EGI科学家在神经信息学中心与俄勒冈大学的同事合作开发了由美国远程医疗和高级研究指挥部、国防高级研究计划局和国家地理空间情报局资助的研究项目。


2018年,Tucker博士荣膺为美国国家发明家科学院院士,美国国家发明家科学院院士(NAI Fellow)是美国授予学术创新发明家的最高荣誉。截至2019年12月,美国国家发明家科学院共有1060名院士,总共持有3万2千余项美国专利。


  • 电极设计和材料对于有效、低噪声地将离子皮肤电流转换为电子导体电流至关重 要;
  • 头皮阻抗;
  • 采集脑电的差分放大器;
  • 离散测量(数字化)要求空间和时间的采样密度相似;
  • 脑电信号源分析可以受到解剖学证据的约束,从而得到准确的结果。


《Mind from Body: Experience from neural structure》

The neural structures of the brain exist to construct information. They do this by creating concepts that relate internal, personal need to external, environmental reality. Meaning is formed in the brain by neural network patterns that traverse these two structures of experience: the visceral nervous system (representing personal need) and the somatic nervous system (interfacing with external reality). How exactly does the brain get from constructing information to creating meaning, and what can this process tell us about the nature of experience? This book addresses both of these questions, making an important contribution to both neuroscience and philosophy.

《Cognition and Neural Development》

Scientific research shows how experience shapes the organization of the human brain through mechanisms of neural plasticity, which capture the information of the world within the connections among neurons. To understand this plasticity, it is important to look to the developmental mechanisms through which the brain grows from a single cell in embryogenesis to achieve the complex architecture of the human brain. The process of neural morphogenesis involves exuberant formation of neuronal connections, and then subtractive elimination of unused connections. This process is continued after birth, providing the neural plasticity of learning that allows cognitive development in infancy and childhood. Recognizing this continuity suggests an interesting insight: Cognition is a reflection of neural development throughout the life span.

《Out of the Cave: A Natural Philosophy of Mind and Knowing》

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave trapped us in the illusion that mind is separate from body and from the natural and physical world. Knowledge had to be eternal and absolute. Recent scientific advances, however, show that our bodies shape mind, thought, and language in a deep and pervasive way. In Out of the Cave, Mark Johnson and Don Tucker—a philosopher and a neuropsychologist—propose a radical rethinking of certain traditional views about human cognition and behavior. They argue for a theory of knowing as embodied, embedded, enactive, and emotionally based. Knowing is an ongoing process—shaped by our deepest biological and cultural values.

